S is for Sofia Vergara

S is for Sofia Vergara

I’m always paying close attention to branding by companies and observing individuals who have a great brand. One of those I’ve been following lately is Sofia Vergara. {from Self} I first noticed Sofia while watching Modern Family. I discovered the show...
R is for Reset

R is for Reset

I’m on week 2 of my running plan. It feels good getting back into a regular running schedule. Sometimes, we have to be honest with ourselves and other people. So here goes nothing, I still don’t 100% know what I want to do. Yes, I have this blog and...
Q is for Quantum Leap

Q is for Quantum Leap

Does anyone remember that show Quantum Leap? That used to be my favorite show. I was about 4 years old when it came on. I don’t know how I even remember watching it or who I was watching it with. But I do remember it! Fortunately, I can now relive the magic of...
P is for Puppets

P is for Puppets

This Friday night I went on a date to the Center for Puppetry Arts. I received free tickets from Scoutmob to see the adult show White Like Me. Speaking of Scoutmob, they are pretty cool! I’ve been telling all of my friends who still don’t use them yet to...

O is for Ohm

What a week! I feel like it went by so fast. I did all of my running around earlier this week. Yesterday and today have been more laid back. This weekend I am running the Sweetwater 420 Festival 5k. Last year was so much fun that I signed up for another one!...