This week has been busy! I fell off the grid. I’m using grid because I watched Tron Legacy this week. I love that movie.

The Grid

I took a break from being “social” for a few days. When I say social, I mean using social media. I know there are many eyes on me and that I’m in a period of transition professionally. Over the last few weeks I’ve had several really awesome things happen. I haven’t put them all out there and I don’t plan to. Perhaps that’s why some of you are reading this post. Perhaps it’s not. Just know these things:

1. I don’t post every single thing about my personal or professional life online

2. I’m not going to say anything bad about businesses or organizations or even managers that I have worked with in the past on my social sites or blog

3. I don’t hold grudges

4. I’m pretty excited about where my career is and where it is going

5. I don’t want to blog about dating (I keep getting asked, the answer is no)

6. I do want to blog and reflect on my career one day (inspired by Michael Hyatt), but not right now while I’m just getting started and laying the foundation. That’s what personal journals are for 😉

I’m off to a breakfast event this morning. But hopefully those points clear up a few things. Must close with this video though. Mostly because I love the song and it fits into what I talked about today. Rockwell, Somebody’s Watching Me: