Over the past few weeks I have thoroughly enjoyed being a Verizon Wireless Ambassador and playing with the Samsung Galaxy S3. Last Friday, all of my good times abruptly ended when I tried to view my photos on the phone from the Ponce City Market event and received an error message.


The flash was done, the camera wouldn’t work at all 🙁 I went to Twitter for help. Did you know that Verizon Wireless has a Verified Twitter account just to help with phone issues? You can follow them @VZWSupport. Customer service via social media makes my life easier. I truly appreciate being able to send tweets as opposed to calling a 1800 number! Throughout this weekend, we tweeted back and forth. They offered different solutions for trying to resurrect my camera. None of the solutions worked. Sigh. Looks like my phone is done for. Thankfully, I will receive a replacement. While searching for answers I’ve noticed many folks have had issues with the Samsung camera “failing”. Most resolved the problem with solutions that Verizon suggested for me:

1. Clear the Cache and data

2. Power Cycle

3. Master Reset

4. Device replacement

The good news is, I’m getting a replacement and the phone is a great phone. Sometimes new phones have a glitch or two. A few years ago, I got the Blackberry Storm when it first came out. I ended up getting 2 replacement phones because of malfunctions. Thankfully, I’ve never had an issue or problem when my phone acts up and Verizon replaces it! If you have Verizon, make sure to follow the support team for all of your help needs! It’s easier than going right to the store as the first option.

Have you ever had to return a phone? I can’t be the only person

Oh, this week my cousin Danielle just got a new phone. After hearing great things about the Galaxy S3 from me, she picked it! She got the black one and she loves it.



Disclosure: I am participating in the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program and have been provided with a wireless device and three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.