This Sunday I was reading the Queen Latifah interview in PARADE magazine. In the interview she talks about how she doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions. She hasn’t done so in over 15 years. I mean I’ve made some resolutions that I didn’t stick to in the past. But I’ve also made some great life changes over New Years and during the lent season. I gave up sodas, found alternative methods for allergy relief and I have succeeded at those. One of the things that I have to remind myself of is that resolutions are daily exercises in patience, faith and self control. If you look at the definition of resolution it says, firm determination or resolve to do something. Is a New Year’s resolution really that, or is it just something we say we will do because everyone else is doing it? I’m pretty aware that, I am no where near perfect. There are things I’m still learning, and things I need to let go of. I think about those things frequently. It takes more than just one day and a simple proclamation to change your life. Don’t expect a New Year to mean new you. That’s why I created my vision board as a constant reminder of where I want to be!

Are you making a resolution? What do you plan to do in order to make a permanent change in your life?