At church right now we are going through a series where we create a list of our 100 life goals. I’ve never considered making a life goal list this long and detailed in my life. We are entering into our second week of this series. Honestly, this has been challenging for me. During the first week I avoided the notebook altogether. Out of sight, but never out of mind. I can’t stop thinking about this list. About things I have achieved that I’ve always wanted to, and about all of the things I haven’t achieved but my heart desires for my future.

I can’t stop thinking about how not making this list will really hinder me from continuing to grow. Right now I feel stuck in one place. But with some focus on my life goals I know I will be motivated to move. Not having these goals on paper in front of my face is almost it’s own form of self sabotage. To get started, I have shared 10 of my goals below, and I crossed off some that I have achieved and listed others that I desire to.

1. Run a half marathon

2. Get a passport and use it to travel at least 4 places

3. Inspire someone

4. Get married

5. Go camping

6. Graduate college

7. Get a championship ring

8. Get paid to speak

9. Reach out to my former mentor to let her know she changed my life

10. Speak at my alma mater