A few weeks back I joined AppSumo. It’s a daily deal site targeted towards “web geeks”. Some of the deals they offer include Facebook ad training, website packages and DSLR training guides for cinematography. The deals are great tools for entrepreneurs, independent contractors and small business owners to learn new things. Crunchbase describes them as the Groupon for Web Apps. That’s funny, because I thought the exact same thing. But anyway, this morning AppSumo emailed me with a great promotion that Iwanted to share. They are giving away the Top 40 books for Entrepreneurs. The list includes many I’ve heard of like The Lean Startup, How to Win Friends and Influence People and the Steve Jobs biography. It also includes lots of others I’ve never heard of but I would love to have and read. A few of the books are even signed by the authors (Seth Godin, Tony Hsieh and Daniel Pink). I’m on a quest to become more business savvy this year and I’m sure even one of these books will be a great resource in getting me there.
If you would like to enter here are the details. Toss one of the books to me after you finish reading it if you win (totally kidding, well not really it’s 40 books!). If I win, I’ll share the books after I read them. If any of you win and you found out from me, let me know, I’ll be happy for you!
A small sampling of the books via AppSumo