In my mind I’m a blogging superstar. I’m always punctual. I pick out my clothes at night. I work out everyday and eat right all the time.

But the reality of that is I’m not perfect. I reluctantly have to admit that I’m disorganized. I’ve been in denial. We all do that sometimes. Deny, deny, deny. I have to face the facts. Disorganization is infringing on my success. It frustrates me all the time. I respond best to schedules and deadlines. I need expectations and goals. I haven’t been creating those or myself lately. I’ve thought about all the things I should be doing but the actions have been slow to follow. I almost wanted to wait until later this year to call this a New Year’s resolution. Delaying it will only continue to make things worse. So I’m starting right now. Honestly, for the longest I’ve told myself that I didn’t need a planner. I could remember everything I needed to do without one. That’s such a lie! I can’t remember it all. I can wake up on time and recall a few appointments but overall having a planner will really help me out! Besides, I still have the ones I used religiously 9-12th grade and they really kept things in order. So I’m committing to using my planner. Committing to making sure that I stay on track with this goal and getting organized.

New planner to help me stay on track.

New planner to help me stay on track.

The first commitment that I want to make to myself is setting up a daily schedule of what I will be doing before work and after work and even on lunch breaks so that I’m using my time wisely. I’m starting this for tomorrow.

Think happy thoughts for me on my quest to get organized!