
Week 2 of Tea Tuesday! Tonight I’m drinking Catnip tea. Mine comes from a brand called Altiva. Catnip tea is great for “restless nights” I’ve been waking up around 3am for the last few days so this should help me sleep well tonight. I got this mug from a high school intern that I worked with during my time at a PR firm!

Over the weekend, I went out of town and it threw me off schedule. I had nap time, time in the sun on the beach and all kinds of fun this weekend with my friend Niki in North Carolina. Then on Sunday when I came home my whole schedule was thrown off. It reminded me of how staying on schedule is a constant journey for us all. It really does take hard work. I have been diligently attached to my planner lately and writing things down in order to stay “on”. It’s tough, but I know that getting organized is something I have to do in order to grow in all aspects of life. I don’t want to be OCD organized, just the best organized version of me that I can be 🙂 I know I said that I would be giving advice on Tea Tuesday, but on this one, I’m open to receiving any advice. How do you super organized folks do it?

Well, that’s all for tonight. More soon!