I’ve been tweeting about it for weeks. But I finally sat down and made a list of realistic goals for Summer 2011. Honestly, I have to admit that writing goals down is rather new for me. The best part about journals, blogs and even tweets is the measurable progress that can be made. The unofficial end of summer is Labor Day 2011 and I’ve seen that the official end is September 23rd or Autumn Equinox. So, in terms of an end date to my goals, I give myself a deadline of September 23. And the beginning of summer is Tuesday, June 21st! Which means I’m off to a head start in trying to finish everything.

1. Get a passport – I’m going to get one this summer and I plan to use it soon.

2. Look fantastic in my swimsuit – I hung my new swimsuit right beside my bedroom door so I always have to see it when I walk out of my bedroom door right near my old vision board and I see it when I wake up every morning. I have a Vegas trip coming up in August so I will definitely be rocking my new suit there!

3. Professionally: Get to 300 connections on LinkedIn and 2,500 Twitter followers. Connect with me if you haven’t already!

4. Perform on stage at Spoken Word

5. Meet at least one new person every weekend

6. Reach my big audacious savings goal: Right now I am approximately $370.34 away

7. Say the closing prayer at my Discipleship Group: It’s hard for me to volunteer and close out group in prayer, but it’s something I definitely want to work towards. It’s such a great feeling to pray with my group each week!

8. Start a prayer journal: I’ve heard about prayer journals for a while. Even while reading The Help, I saw that prayer journals can be a powerful tool in a person’s life. I want to use it in mine.

Do you have any goals for this summer? What’s on your list?