Happy New Year folks! My new year started with a four mile Resolution Run. Yep, I am that person who woke up on New Years Day to run a four mile race after champagne at midnight.I finished with a time of 42:12. My mom signed our whole family up for this race. There were at least 5 different hills and it was tough. I had a quick stop for a stretch and water, but outside of that, I pushed through!



Starting the year with a run first thing got me motivated to get back on top of my goals for the rest of the year. In fact, after I had lunch with my family and came home for a nap, that’s exactly what I did. I started thinking about my plan for the next year towards the end of 2014. I’m happy to share that I’ve made significant progress so far. I made my vision board and plan to hang it up in my bedroom. There are four specific changes that I plan to share, for now:


1. Three new hairstyles – I feel like my hair hasn’t changed much over the last few years. I want to change the style up three different times in 2015. New color, styles, and maybe a cut. We will see!

2. Work style – I worked from home and was a contractor for some time. Now, I work in an office with a laid back dress code. This has caused my work style to slack off. Just because the dress code says I can dress down, doesn’t mean I should. I want to get out of the rut of wearing leggings and get back to dressing up. I like my work wardrobe and want to put more effort back into it.

3. Four Weekly Workouts – Over the last few months I have been working to get four workout days in consistently each week. I plan to continue sharing that process.

4. Two new books per month – Since I decided to get back into reading in November, I’ve finished three great books. I miss blogging about book reviews here too. Make sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for details about what I’ve been reading.


What resolutions have you made for this year?