On Christmas Day, I woke up motivated to finish my vision board. I started a few days earlier hand writing out a few things I was feeling. on white paper with markers and cutting out scraps of beautiful background pages. I found most of mine in the Neiman Marcus catalog I received in the mail. I guess I signed up a few months back during a Neiman Marcus Beauty event? Not sure, but the catalog was full of pretty things.


I decided to add more words this year as opposed to images like I used on vision boards in the past. Actually going through and writing each word forced me to think about every single one as opposed to just cutting out the words. More words = clarity and focus. I also wanted my vision board to be smaller so that I wouldn’t have to stuff it in a corner. Some of the words I picked:

Uncomfortable: In order to grow, we all have to be a little bit uncomfortable sometimes, so I know that I’m going to feel that way at some points in the year.

Open: Being open to new things and asking for exactly what I need. More on this soon!

Zero: The zero represents paying off a few lingering balances. {I’m so close ;)}

Flexibility: This happens to be one of my fitness goals. I purchased Slim Calm Sexy Yoga: 210 Proven Yoga Moves for Mind/Body Bliss and have been doing some of the yoga sequences to help me become more flexible. I’m going to start doing one sequence everyday.

Vision Board 2014

A few tips to help you create your own vision board:

1. Show it – Make sure it’s visible to you so that you can see it regularly. I placed mine above my desk which is directly across from my bed and right in front of a mirror. That means, in my bedroom, I can see it from several different angles. I also printed photos of my board to place one in my purse, at my desk and possibly on the bathroom mirror.

2. Don’t feel the need to explain – Some of the things on my board are a bit vague (7, 15, XLVIII) and I did that on purpose. Over time, I want to reveal more of what’s on my board but not all at once. I also think that it’s okay to not want to share all of your goals upfront. It’s nice to keep a few things really personal and not provide an explanation right now.

3. Establish a how – If your vision represents 10 goals, start with 1-2 and get going on the how. That’s the most difficult, but most important element when it comes to a vision board. How you plan to get from here to there. It will take some time, but every day when I see my board I don’t forget what I’m trying to do. I read a great blog post from Maria Kang yesterday on how she creates 3 week, 3 month and 3 year goals to help her remain focused. I think that’s a great way to break things into pieces.

4. Do what works best for you – Some folks aren’t all into cutting, writing, pasting etc. So if you are interested in creating a digital vision board using Dream It Alive.

How do you plan to create your vision board for 2014?

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